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Math Facts

The large numbers after a million are a billion, trillion, quadrillion, and they keep going on to infinity.

An abacus is an old counting tool with beads that slide on a rod. 

The opposite sides of a dice cube added together equal 7. 

5 + 2 = 7

1 + 6 = 7

4 + 3 = 7


The moon orbits the Earth about once every 28 days. Since there are 365 days in a year, the moon orbits the Earth about 13 times in a year.

There are 49 ways to make 50 cents in coins using pennies, nickels, dimes, and/or quarters.

Roman numerals were created by ancient Romans to write numbers by using letters. The 7 letters used are I for 1, V for 5, X for 10, L for 50, C for 100, D for 500, and M for 1000. Zero does not have a Roman numeral to represent it. Roman numerals are sometimes used today for Olympic games, names of popes, names of kings and queens, clocks and watches, the year that a movie is released, and chapters in a book.

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